
Wilmot Works It Out
Available now for PC and Mac!

Boy Are Our Arms Tired
Thanks for the fun, Gamescom and PAX West!

Wilmot's Warehouse is Now a Board Game!
A game about making up silly stories with your friends!

An Ode to Plushies
Our softest, most huggable, lovable friends.

Get TUNIC for Free on PS Plus!
Don't forget to check your manual.
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Rami Ismail and Davey Wreden came over to play the latest Overland alpha tonight. In part 1 of Manuela and Tory’s story, Rami’s enthusiasm for vehicular destruction makes forward travel difficult.
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Mathew and Rosalee’s big adventure <3 This stretch ends in an unfortunate crash bug also, but oh man, the feels en route! After strong winds spread fires from a burning barrel, Rosalee… well. I don’t want to spoil it. But Rosalee was a good dog :’(
desktop dungeons one of the greatest
Desktop Dungeons, one of the greatest puzzle/strategy games ever made, is available now on iOS and Android tablets! If you’ve ever tried Desktop you know how completely perfect the tablet form factor is for this game <3
desktop dungeons arrives on tablets everywhere on
Desktop Dungeons arrives on tablets everywhere on May 28! What does this have to do with Finji?? Good question! Google Play has some bizarre thing where they can’t actually sell games from South African devs. We love Desktop, like a lot, so we loaned them our Android store. That’s all! <3
Feist coming to Steam July 23
Bekah and I are both immensely excited to announce that award-winning survival-platformer FEIST is joining Night in the Woods and Panoramical as the newest member of the Finji family. You can find it on Steam and other stores on July 23rd, 2015. But first, a little backstory: In 2008, Swiss indies Adrian Stutz and Florian Faller (now Bits & Beasts) started building a playground for testing game mechanics, visual styles and to overcome the limitations of existing digital tools and frameworks. Even though they built something to satisfy their own curiosity, awards from Unity and later the IGF made it clear their efforts were striking a chord. They called this game Feist. Subsequently, the team got buried under jobs and other design projects, and the independent, self-funded development of Feist ground to a near halt. For several years, Feist grew slowly but steadily, relegated to nights and weekends. Gradually, through sheer force of love, the game grew larger and much more detailed, though it still retained a wild and chaotic landscape. Somehow shaping a coherent game of that anarchy, particularly without ruining its playful origins, would be a huge challenge. In 2013, encouraged by weekly emails asking for Feist’s release, and a series of exhibitions and awards, Adrian and Florian set out to rebuild and reshape the prototype into a full game. They founded Bits & Beasts, a small game development company in Zurich, Switzerland, and began the next and final stage of development: finishing and releasing Feist. Which brings us pretty much to today!
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Outwit a sprawling forest full of secret danger and fierce creatures in FEIST, a lush and visually striking action-packed game, and a true labor of indie love! Coming to Steam (PC / Mac / Linux) on July 23.