Eliss Infinity coming to Android, June 26!
Last but very much not least, we are couldn’t be more proud to announce Finji Partner Project #3: Eliss Infinity for Android!
You can read more about the announcement from Steph right here, but here’s a quick summary just in case:
Eliss Infinity is getting a major overhaul in the form of the 1.1 update
Eliss Infinity 1.1 is coming to iOS and Android for the first time ever on June 26!
The Eliss and Eliss Infinity soundtracks debut on June 26 too!!
A Bit More About Partner Projects As most of you probably know, Finji does a lot of internal game development, games like Canabalt and Hundreds (for which Eliss was a big inspiration), but also new projects like Overland. But over the years we’ve also collaborated with other developers, like helping to bring Aquaria and SteamBirds to iOS, and helping with animation for FEZ. Since Finji was formalized a few months ago, we’ve also been helping Night In The Woods and Panoramical with some of their marketing, business and legal stuff. This is all a pretty big experiment on our end, but it’s going really well so far. We consider these three games (NITW, Eliss, Panoramical) to be our pilot partner projects. Depending on how things go with these projects, we’ll be able to make better decisions on the next wave, and hopefully be more helpful to even more developers as things go on. Finally, this partnership approach is nothing revolutionary - Double Fine is doing some cool indie assistance stuff, and Polytron has announced their own partners program. Successful indies have long been angel-funding other projects, and of course Indie Fund (who backed Panoramical) have been a huge inspiration for us. Anyways I’m rambling at this point but what I’m trying to say is we’re really excited to be helping Eliss come to Android, and working with Steph has been amazing; we’ve been in iOS together for like… 5 years or something insane, and we’ve been fans of his for most of that time. So it’s a huge pleasure for us to be able to help Eliss reach an even wider audience.