Year-end Roundup 3: Indiecade
A bunch of super smart people (triple-D, Liz, and Loren) playing weird new games. Photo credit LA Times (i think).
This was only my second IndieCade somehow, but it was a busy one. If you’re not familiar with IndieCade, it’s the closest thing we have in the states to GameCity, my favorite of all festivals. And IndieCade has grown into its own marvelous thing over the years. It is easily the most progressive and inclusive mainstream festival I’ve attended, and that deeply good vibe meant a lot this year especially.
But it was busy! We did a live-coding Flixel demo, in which I built a Bit Pilot clone called (groan) Blit Pilot in Sublime in about 45 minutes (source code here). Then I represented Juegos Rancheros on a panel about communities and local game meetups.
After that I got to sit in on a discussion of sustainability for small commercial studios. I really appreciated the opportunity to participate in these sessions and I hope they were helpful or useful to the audience! The sustainability panel especially had some great moments I think, and there should be a video of that available soon.
Also I finally met DoseOne (and Loren Bednar and many other wonderful folks) in person, despite having made an entire game together last Christmas. So that was nice!