Year-end Roundup 7: PlayStation Experience
After a week or two of “respite” (involving a semi-disastrous but romantic trip to Michigan in the middle of a so-called “arctic bomb-front” aka a hurricane of snow) we were off to the final event of the season, Sony’s debut fan-event, the PlayStation Experience, in Las Vegas, a mere two weeks ago (almost caught up!!)
Our mission: to set up a cozy booth for Night in the Woods (available for pre-order now!), and then kind of sit around and talk to nice people for a few days.
It was awesome to catch up with folks we hadn’t seen in a while (and some we’d seen quite recently but already missed anyways), and thank Nathan Vella in person for all the help and advice he provided when we found out that we would have a booth and not just a kiosk-station or whatever. Trying to do this without him taking time out of his crazy schedule would have been… difficult. Surprise highlight of the show though was this impromptu Shigeto set:
Oh also that thing with the ducks and this and that other thing. But yea - super fun show, massive thanks to Nick Suttner and Brian and everyone else at Sony who helped organize this thing and for including us! OK: so, even though that was our last trip, I’ve got a few more posts planned for this end-of-year roundup thing, including a quick breakdown of exactly what we did to put our booth together and how much it cost and stuff - that one is coming up soon! I’ll also do a roundup on progress with our partner projects and of course on our internal work as well. Getting close :)