Finji Projects at GDC
We haven’t been slacking over at Finji these last several weeks. We are almost at the end of our first big crunch period in preparation for GDC. It is going to be quite a week for us and our projects. If you are on your way to GDC, here is your invite to come check out some projects you may have heard of (and those you haven’t) and meet Bekah and Adam along with the Night in the Woods, Overland and Panoramical Teams!
Adam and I have several slots on the GDC speaking schedule and we invite you to come out and listen to us and the awesome people with which we get to share panels and workshops! Adam is talking all things Portico in the Failure Workshop. Portico began life as a reverse-Indiana-Jones jam game (you play as the temple) in 2011 before passing through 4 or 5 distinct and major iterations. We’re going to thoroughly explore them all in about 15 minutes. Adam will talk about where the game started, where it went, why it was killed and how in the world did it get resurrected months later. Come out to the IGS on Tuesday, March 3rd from 11:15am to 12:15pm in Room 2005 (West Hall) I (Bekah) was invited to be one of the 10 speakers during this year’s IGS Soapbox. It is my first speaking opportunity at GDC and I am honored to be sharing it with the 9 people who are also soapboxing. Get to Room 2005 (West Hall) early because the Soapbox Session is standing room only every single year. And once you see the other game developers on the schedule for this, well, it will be packed. The session closes out the IGS on Tuesday, March 3rd from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. Adam will be participating in a panel discussion about indie publishing called Indie Publishing - A Whole New World with Greg Rice of Double Fine Productions, Kellee Santiago of Ouya, and Mike Wilson, of Devolver Digital and fellow Austinite. These four will talk about the new landscape of indie publishing and how this might or might not affect you, the indie developer. We are excited to tell people about how we run things here at Finji with our awesome partner projects like Night in the Woods and Panoramical. So come out to the panel during the main GDC Conference on Wednesday, March 4 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in Room 2001 (West Hall).
You Want to Play our Games and Hear About IN-DEVELOPMENT Projects? MILD RUMPUS
Night in the Woods will be exhibited at Mild Rumpus on Monday and Tuesday. Our 15 minute demo, which has delighted players since last year, will be playable for GDC Attendees. Also, in attendance, will be the 3 main creatives behind the project! So come out, play, and meet up with Alec Holowka, Scott Benson, and Bethany Hockenberry. Tell them how amazing they are because they do not hear it enough. Night in the Woods is absolutely worth your time during your busy GDC week. Our new internal development project, Overland, will be making it’s public debut on Wednesday and Thursday at Mild Rumpus. Overland is Finji’s newest collaboration and the team has been putting in a lot of extra hours to make sure it is ready for your eyes AND ears on Wednesday. Come out and play our most recent build and get excited for it’s release later this year. Experience a roadtrip to somewhere across the US with an ever changing collection of travelers along the way. Where are you going? WEST. Meet the 5 core team members of Overland throughout Mild Rumpus- Adam Saltsman, Rebekah Saltsman, Shay Pierce, Heather Penn, and Jocelyn Reyes. Want even MORE information on Overland? Adam and team will be presenting the game at Mild Rumpus at 5:00PM on Thursday, March 5th. This is the first public talk about this game, you don’t want to miss it!
Hey. I’m Press and I Want to See Your Stuff at Press Only Events!
We have two of our projects, Overland and Panoramical, at The MIX at the IGN offices tonight, Monday, March 1. Come talk to Overland co-designer, Shay Pierce, and art director, Heather Penn, and David Kanaga, co-creator, of Panoramical at the Finji booth. We will be there from 7pm to close and want to show you our games.
Hey, I am BOOKED UP, but I Need to See this Stuff!
Adam and I can be reached at and you can find our office press kit here. We will both be around GDC and would love to meet you. You can follow us on twitter at: Adam: @Adamatomic Bekah: @BexSaltsman Finji: @FinjiCo
See You Soon!!