The IGS Soapbox: Bekah’s 5 Minutes

My name is Rebekah Saltsman and I co-own Finji with Adam"Atomic" Saltsman. I don’t just run a company with Adam, I amalso his wife. I am up here today, after years of maintainingrelative invisibility in the industry, to talk to you about what is on
my mind. And there is a lot going on up here.
Standing up here, I could regale you with stories of our successes
and failures or our dramas- we’ve done a lot of stuff wrong, a lot of
stuff right. We have trusted the wrong people and the right ones.
But that is not what is on my mind today. Today I am going to tell
you a little about what it is like to run a company like Finji and
raise children.
I am a mom. I have two beautiful sons, Kingsley and Finnegan,
who have changed who I am. I am also the “default parent.”
Everyday, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, our boys come to me
first if a knee is skinned, a head is bonked, a night terror terrorizes.
I am the parent who takes them to swim and dance and gymnastics
and soccer. I monitor the doctor appointments, the preschool
progress, the growth charts, the health histories. Adam is always
there, maintaining a level of involvement with the boys unheard of
a generation ago, but it is my responsibility to make sure the kids
are on track day in and day out. Adam gets designated, reliable
work days while I take care of the boys.
I am also the CEO of Finji. I contribute to design, handle the
finances, legal, console partnerships, and monitor and co-mentor
our Partner Publishing projects. Steve Swink once called pre-kid
me the Indie Cub Scout mom- and that is never more true now that
I am actually a mom.
I want you to take a moment to think of all of the women you
know in game development. In general, they have it pretty hard.
The playing field is not level. As you are thinking of all of the
women in your network, do a quick head count on all of the them
that have kids in independent and AAA.
Up until last week I knew 2. Total. Over the course of 4 days and a
whole lotta retweets, about 21 moms who talked with me over
email and twitter, with kids ranging in ages from 3 months to 23
years old, came out of the woodwork. Only 2 of those 21 women
are at GDC this week. 3 including me.

We are a lonely club. Our closest compatriots are culled from
hometown freelancers, writers, and artists who also have children
and who almost understand what we do everyday. But none of
them are actually in gaming. When we work, at off hours when the
kids are asleep, standing in the kitchen checking email, making
phone calls and making dinner day in and day out- we snatch at
whatever time we can to chip away at our to-do list. We do this
mostly alone without the option to hang out online chatting with
other game developers.

Imagine you have a phone that is always answered and is only set
at the loudest level. You always have that phone with you. You can
attempt to ignore the person on the phone, but they will just keep
talking, louder and louder. Welcome to attempting to work with a
preschooler in the house.

One mom said this and it has stuck with me: “I should be able to
make my career decisions independent of whether I’m going to be
able to leave to pick up the kids or whether I’m avoiding crunch
Every decision we make, our career decisions, our relationships,
EVERYTHING must be framed in the impact on the family.

So, how are we doing emotionally as women working in
independent game development?
We are hanging in there. We are attempting to create a new way to
do things for the women to come after us. We are dealing with the
same prejudices in the industry against women that are present in
tech and AAA but we are doing it alone, from the relative comfort
of our home. We were unprepared for the task of juggling children
and work and our collective motto seems to be "just make it work.”

But while we are making it work, and good heavens are we making
it work, even with what seems like a million things preventing us
from working in this industry. Our most important currency, our
time, is rationed by the constraints that being a mom and default
parent have put on us.
But let me assure you, we are so much more. We are better and
way more badass than we ever were before creating actual
human life and raising those humans from birth to adulthood.

We are different. Not alien. We love games- making games,
playing games and teaching our children about all the amazing
things created every single day in our industry. We are here and
even though you may never meet us because we will never get out
at night or away to things like GDC, we are a part of this industry,
we love it, and we aren’t going anywhere.