as the feist launch weekend wraps up we wanted to
As the FEIST launch weekend wraps up, we wanted to give a shout out to some of the nice writeups from around the internet: “At a time when the word ‘survival’ is bandied about frequently in relation to PC games, Feist offers a stranger, much rawer take on the concept.” “Feist is handmade like an Aston Martin or a bespoke suit, finely crafted like small-batch bourbon, imagined as art, loved as a child.” “The physics-based gameplay and enemy AI is what really sets Feist`s gameplay apart.”
“Feist is a great game that is both fast paced and challenging, while also being visually pleasing.” “If you’re interested in a game with fantastic art style and ambience, this short romp will leave you mesmerized.” FEIST is available now on Steam, GoG, and the Humble Store.