Finji at PAX West 2017

PAX West 2017 is GO
After two days of travel, booth set-up and lots of good coffee, booth #6111 is ready to receive the multitudes. We just hope the multitudes are ready to receive the Overland, TUNIC, and Night In The Woods!
If you want to take some of the Finji jams home with you - we got you covered! Check out what we’ll be selling thanks to our friends at IndieBox:
- Tunic Foxhead Shirt - $20 (NEW)
- Overland Pupcar Shirt - $20
- Overland cards - $20
- Night In The Woods Steam cards - $20

Speaking of friends, you’ve probably already heard us yelling about our new collaborative booth with friends called The Playground. We’ve partnered up with our pals Vlambeer, Dan Adelman & IndieBox to form a medium-large nook of games where you can come hang out, meet some devs and of course, play.

We’re incredibly proud of our little Finji home away from home, and we’d love to have you. See you soon <3