
Wilmot Works It Out
Available now for PC and Mac!

Boy Are Our Arms Tired
Thanks for the fun, Gamescom and PAX West!

Wilmot's Warehouse is Now a Board Game!
A game about making up silly stories with your friends!

An Ode to Plushies
Our softest, most huggable, lovable friends.

Get TUNIC for Free on PS Plus!
Don't forget to check your manual.
as the feist launch weekend wraps up we wanted to
As the FEIST launch weekend wraps up, we wanted to give a shout out to some of the nice writeups from around the internet: “At a time when the word ‘survival’ is bandied about frequently in relation to PC games, Feist offers a stranger, much rawer take on the concept.” “Feist is handmade like an Aston Martin or a bespoke suit, finely crafted like small-batch bourbon, imagined as art, loved as a child.” “The physics-based gameplay and enemy AI is what really sets Feist`s gameplay apart.”
“Feist is a great game that is both fast paced and challenging, while also being visually pleasing.” “If you’re interested in a game with fantastic art style and ambience, this short romp will leave you mesmerized.” FEIST is available now on Steam, GoG, Itch.io and the Humble Store.
no title
Press Kit is available here! AND HERE’S A FANCY PRESS RELEASE THINGY Bits & Beasts has released its long-awaited game FEIST, published by Finji, for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Set in a forest full of hostile beasts, you play as a small silhouetted creature, running, jumping, and outsmarting a dangerous world trying to hold you back. The puzzles aren’t scripted; instead a robust AI system controls the monsters and traps that stand between you and the next area of the forest. The game world reacts to the player, and your decisions change the way the creatures and traps behave. Players have to stay one step ahead of the forest… or die trying. FEIST is fast-paced and clever. The atmosphere is spooky but also completely enchanting. Reminiscent of creepy cinematic delights like Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal and Norshteyn & Kozlov’s Hedgehog in the Fog, you will learn, and learn quickly, to be wary of the other creatures in the forest. Fortunately, you can use the forest itself as a defense mechanism – rocks, sticks, logs, insects, and even the traps themselves can be turned to your advantage. Each level begins and ends the same, but the path from start to finish is up to you. Outwit a forest that is equal parts smart and scary, serene and melancholy, dangerous and alive. Welcome to the world of FEIST! Availability and System requirements: FEIST is available July 23, 2015 at 10AM Pacific Standard Time. For Windows users FEIST will require Windows XP or newer, Intel Corei3 or better, 2 GB of RAM, Intel HD 4000 or better, Version 9.0 of DirectX, and 1 GB of space on the Hard Drive. For Mac OS X users FEIST will require OS X 10.6 or newer and Linux users should be on Ubuntu 10.10 or newer.
FEIST is fully localized and playable in 中文, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Português, and русский. Bits & Beasts is an independent developer of desktop video games based in Zurich, Switzerland. FEIST was 7 years in the making and is the first title by co-founders Adrian Stutz and Florian Faller. FEIST is published by Finji.
feist the award winning debut from swiss indies
FEIST, the award-winning debut from Swiss indies Bits & Beasts, is a gorgeous hand-made adventure, reminiscent of The Dark Crystal or Hedgehog in the Fog, with a haunting original soundtrack by Tomek Kolczynski. And it comes out on Thursday!! You will be able to find FEIST on Steam, GOG, Itch.io and the Humble Store on July 23rd for $14.99. From one indie game fan to another, do yourself a favor and set aside a little time to explore the world of FEIST with us this weekend.
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In keeping with our apparent Finji theme of “games that take place in the woods at a certain time of day” and our other “it sure is weird that Google Play won’t let South African devs list their games” efforts, we’re very proud to present A Day In The Woods for Android by RetroEpic, a drop-dead gorgeous sliding tile puzzle with simple controls and modern design ideas, all wrapped up with a fairy-tale-themed bow. A Day In The Woods will be available on the Google Play store on July 30th.
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Bekah and I play through the Grasslands, the second biome of Overland, where things get a little more dangerous a little more quickly. Also first stream with the new UI and the new camera!