
Wilmot Works It Out
Available now for PC and Mac!

Boy Are Our Arms Tired
Thanks for the fun, Gamescom and PAX West!

Wilmot's Warehouse is Now a Board Game!
A game about making up silly stories with your friends!

An Ode to Plushies
Our softest, most huggable, lovable friends.

Get TUNIC for Free on PS Plus!
Don't forget to check your manual.
Year-end Roundup 2: NYU Lecture Series
The audio is a bit low on this recording, you’re gonna want to crank it way up! Shortly after Fantastic Arcade we traveled to New York City to present at the NYU Game Center lecture series. My good friend and collaborator Andy Nealen has been teaching at Game Center for a while now, but last time I visited they had not set up their new lab, nor acquired their current faculty lineup. I don’t visit a lot of academic institutions but when I do I rarely get the sense that all is well, or that the teachers are properly equipped to actually teach game design, much less independent game production. Game Center is a big exception to this rule, especially now that they’ve added a smart little incubator. The lab itself is fantastic - lots of open play areas for digital and analog games, private studio spaces for teams and collaborators, none of the weird traditional computer lab spaces that normally plague game programs. Combined with faculty like Frank Lantz, Eric Zimmerman, Bennett Foddy, and more, I’ve never seen anything like it. Was an honor and a pleasure to get to speak to them and work in that environment for a little bit. The one thing I question was Frank’s decision to take us all out to Hill Country BBQ, a weird like mirror dimension since I currently live in actual Hill Country in Texas. But it was pretty delicious. I also owe Andy a big thank you for introducing us all to One Night Ultimate Werewolf at EVO last summer, which has gone on to become one of my favorite games of the year, if not decade. Smart, tight, funny, hectic, a true gem. Fortuitously that intro ultimately led to Ashly Burch’s voicing the new narrator for the expansion pack too!
Year-end Roundup 1: Fantastic Arcade
Finji hasn’t technically been around for quite one year yet, but we had a pretty busy last few months and I wanted to start documenting some of what we’ve been up to and why as we approach the holidays. I’ll be doing a new post here every day until I run out of news or stories in a week or two. I wanted to start the roundup with a quick overview of Fantastic Arcade, our local Austin game festival that Juegos Rancheros puts on in partnership with the Alamo Drafthouse and Fantastic Fest every September. Arcade is a funny event. I’m not sure that any one thing we do there is strictly useful or professional, and I’m not 100% sure what the takeaways are or what the educational value is. And yet, for many indie game makers it is their favorite event of the year. Whether that’s the bespoke upright arcade cabinets full of strange new games, the competitive tournaments we hold in the movie theaters, the creative panels, the special guests, the game jam, or some other thing, I’m not sure. But this was our biggest year yet, and our plans for next year are even better. The video above features Austin’s own George Royer interviewing some hairy guy, and we have a bunch more videos from the show right here.
new overland visual targets via our resident
New Overland visual targets, via our resident art-mage happydorid.
canabalt 20 is available now on the itunes app
Canabalt 2.0 is available now on the iTunes App Store as a free update! 8 new game modes, local multiplayer, achievements, new leaderboards, all sorts of good stuff! We’ve been working on it on and off since 2012, I hope you all dig it :) You may have also noticed that Canabalt is on sale for $0.99 until this Sunday, for I think the second time ever, so if you did want to spread the word, now would be a good time!
Also massive thanks to Rusty Moyher for coding up the vast majority of the changes, fixes and improvements. You might know his work from Retro Game Crunch or Box Cat - he’s the best!
Finally, for a very limited time, we have official Canabalt t-shirts courtesy Cotton Bureau - you can get a shirt with running business lady or running business dude in both men’s and women’s sizes for the next 2 weeks or so!